ILGA Europe: Good practices related to LGBTI asylum applicants in Europe

ILGA Europe migrants lgbt

Maggio 2017

“The present document has been developed in parallel with ILGA-Europe’s Laying the ground for LGBTI sensitive asylum decision-making in Europe, Transposition of the recast Asylum Procedures Directive and of the recast Reception Conditions Directive. ILGA-Europe has also published Guidelines on the transposition of the Asylum Qualification Directive. These Guidelines are legal studies indicating precisely how national governments and legislatures should transpose EU asylum law and particularly the provisions that have an impact on asylum claims relating to sexual orientation and gender identity. These documents are available on ILGA-Europe’s website.

In the present document Good practices related to asylum applicants in Europe you will find references to the Guidelines and their relevant sections. This will enable you to make combined use of the different publications issued by ILGA-Europe, and to understand in more detail the exact obligations of Member States under EU law. The joint use of the present document Good practices related to asylum applicants in Europe and of the Guidelines will allow you to find more information to frame comprehensive advocacy, capacity building, awareness raising or litigation strategies.”

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